EVENT: LabelNow - the SAP Labeling Solution - Webinar


Presentation and Webinar of LabelNow - Compliant label content design solution

In a fast changing environment, with rising concerns over allergens or ingredient sourcing, regulation updates in destination countries, and growing digital information requirements for publication in digital channels, it is more and more challenging for food & beverage companies to design compliant label content…

LabelNow is the new SAP cloud-based solution to create compliant product label information. It enables you to design your product labels with high level of automation, define your ingredient list, allergen statement and nutritional panel with country, language & product category specific data for digital or physical labels. This new labeling solution is designed to address, in an agile way, growing consumer demands for transparency, compliance with increasing regulations requirements in all destination markets, as well as increasing e-content requirements management and translation needs.

See a recording of the LabelNow Webinar or feel free to download a copy of the presentation that was shared.

If you would like more information about LabelNow please click here.